Open MTOM Server
Remsy Schmilinsky Martinez

Open MTOM Server is simply a file transfer web service that includes a server and client API written in C and C++.

The file transmission method relies on SOAP 1.2 with MTOM attachments, powered by gSoap web service toolkit. Feel free to browse the source code.

On the client side, developers use the provided API for any application invoking the functionality from the server. The data being transmitted between client and servers is just a file or many files, so developers are resposible for customizing what the server does with these files through the implementation of plugins, or server extensions.

You are encouraged to download it and experiment with it, your feedback or contribution is greatly appreciated.

Where to use.

Developers can build server and clients for any particular purpose, such us, an XML validation service, a file conversion service, xml transaction processing, file transfer, trasmitting or receiving high volume of data at a given time, etc. The only constraint is that data is transmitted as files.

Building and testing.

You can build it from source Linux, using C++ GNU compiler and make. Follow these steps:

1.- Install the POCO libraries. Download and build the C++ Portable Components.

If successful, edit you bash profile (i.e. ~/.bashrc) and modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point to the location of the POCO library, for example:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/poco-1.3.2/lib/Linux/i686

2.- Get the source. Run this command to obtain the source from the subversion repository:

svn co mtomserver

3.- Compile client and server. Go to mtomserver directory and type make. This will compile the client API, the server and all the examples.

4.- Testing the server. Go to mtomserver/server directory and run:

./server config.xml

The server uses startup parameters that you may adapt to your needs. Read further for an explanation of these parameters.

The default server plugin simply reads an XML describing files generated and sent by remote clients, then it replies back with an XML acknowledment and the same files sent form the client(for demonstrating multiple files per request / response).

5.- Testing the client. Open another terminal and go to mtomserver/client/bin directory, then run:

./echoXML localhost:8085 1

This is a client example that sends 2 files. The first is an XML describing the number of files specified in the last argument. Here, we are generating 1 file, so the server will send back an XML acknowledment plus the file you've sent. The files the server sends back are named as UUID keys.

To test multiple calls to the server, run:

./echoXMLThreaded localhost:8085 1

This will perform mutiple calls to the server. You may run this example in different terminals to see how the server handles multithreading.

Server configuration.

The server reads configuration parameters from an XML file upon starting up. These parameters determine its behaviour. You can use file mtomserver/server/config.xml as an example for your own settings. Here is an explanation of each setting:


Port number receiving remote client requests, default is 8085.


Dynamic library containing plugin classes.


Specific plugin to be used by the server/


Maximum time for server idle state in seconds.


Directory where incoming files are stored (client requests), example, "data", "data/path", etc.


Whether to leave or delete incoming files. Set to true or false.


Whether to leave or delete output files. Set to true or false.


Enable keep-alive socket connections. Set to true or false.


Number of threads to create upon start up (thread pool).


Maximum file size in bytes that server can accept. If a client sends a request with a file or multiple files, and the size of one of the files exceeds the maximum allowed, then the server throws a soap error and the whole request is cancelled.


Maximum number of files server can accept simultaneously. If a client sends a request with multiple files, and the number of such files exceeds the maximum allowed, then the server throws a soap error and the whole request is cancelled. On linux, it is possible for the server to process up to 60 files per client request (this behaviour is specific to the operating system).


Custom formatting of log messages based on format patterns (refer to the POCO documentation for available options).


Name of the file containing all logging information.


Rotation strategy (refer to the POCO documentation for available options).


Possible values: fatal, critical, error, warning, notice, information, debug, trace. Only messages with a priority equal to or higher than the specified level are passed on. For example, if the level of a logger is set to error, only messages with priority error, critical and fatal will propagate.